Hello, this is Kazu, the head of the Japanese online cram school “Wa”.
We have established the policy of the cram school as follows.
『Cram school “Wa” philosophy
We teach Japanese according to the requests or purpose of each student. And we help to
deepen understanding of Japanese culture through the Japanese language.』
What is your purpose in studying Japanese? I think that each person has a purpose, such as to study in Japan, to work, to go sightseeing, or to read manga. We would like to support your learning of Japanese according to your purpose. The Japanese language is deeply related to Japanese history and culture. I hope that through studying Japanese, you will come to like Japan even more.
And we named the cram school “ Wa” to hope that there will be no conflicts in the world, we hope that we can achieve your goals.
Now, let’s start learning Japanese!
私たちは 塾の方針を以下のようにしました。
皆さんが 日本語を勉強する目的は何でしょうか。日本で勉強するため、働くため、観光するため、もしくはマンガを読むためなど、それぞれの人に 目的があると思います。
皆さんの目的にそった 日本語の学習の支援をしてゆきたいと考えています。
そして 世の中から争いがなくなることを願い 塾の名前を 和 と名付けました。
皆さんの目的の達成にむけて さあ 日本語のレッスンを始めましょう。